Behind the Curtain - An Evening with Grouch (Frank Ferrante)

The great Frank Ferrante is bringing his one man show, “An Evening with Groucho” to Kitsap County during the first week of April, on Thursday April 4 at Bainbridge Performing Arts’ Buxton Center and at the Admiral Theatre in Bremerton on Friday, April 5. We first met Frank during Episode 25 of Heilman & Haver. Today, we go “Behind the Curtain” with Frank to talk about what he’s been up to since then (hint: he’s been very busy), about “An Evening With Groucho”, and what it’s like to portray such an iconic character so well. Whether you’re a fan of Groucho Marx and the Marx Brothers, or just like to be entertained, this is the show for you.

For more information about the upcoming shows, you can visit Frank’s website (, or the sites of the individual theaters where Frank will be performing:

April 4 - Bainbridge Performing Arts -

April 5 - Admiral Theatre -

For more interviews and other features, head out to, Puget Sound’s Portal to the Performing Arts.


Behind the Curtain - How to Write a New Book for the Bible (Taproot Theatre)


Behind the Curtain - The Bed Trick (Seattle Shakespeare)